Newcastle Upon Tyne town postcode info and location on map
Postcodes for Newcastle Upon Tyne town belongs to (NE) Newcastle upon Tyne postcode area. In our database we have 22 postal districts for this city:
»NE1 »NE2 »NE3 »NE4 »NE5 »NE6 »NE7 »NE12 »NE13 »NE15 »NE16 »NE17 »NE18 »NE19 »NE20 »NE27 »NE82 »NE83 »NE85 »NE88 »NE98 »NE99
Newcastle Upon Tyne postcode on map
Average Latitude/Longitude coordinates for Newcastle Upon Tyne postcodes are: 54.988, -1.663. The location, you can see on map below: